There have been huge changes and events over the past twelve months and soon we mark one of the biggest changes in our studio. One year on since joining the Magic Media group!

A lot has changed for our studio and our team, involving ourselves with a plethora of skilled and talented industry professionals across the gaming industry. And in return, we share our own expertise and experiences with the teams we now happily collaborate with.

Working daily with the fantastic teams means an expansion of our services, delivering even greater results at a larger scale. It has truly been a magnificent twelve months with huge growth in our revenue and equal growth in our service offerings and spectacular staff across the world.

Projects for the One-Stop Studio

Since joining Magic Media, we’ve seen an increase in both quality and quantity of the work we can deliver. Over the past twelve months, we’ve seen a five-fold growth in revenue as we tackle bigger and better projects. This is all thanks to the expansive Magic Media team that we can now call on for assistance as well as offer our own extensive talents to.

It also allowed us to dive into blockchain and NFT gaming, pioneering full-cycle development for more than a few projects! These include the PvP MOBA, Binamon, and the sci-fi strategy card game, Gamma-4. Both of these projects are entirely headed by our studio as we work through tokenomics, minting new NFTs, and implementing blockchain technology into the core of the gaming experiences. You can find more of our case studies here, showcasing some of our work over the past twelve months!

Starloop Across the Globe

As we tackle these new projects, we find our team growing to meet the new challenges and requirements. In this way, we can take on any project, such as porting Hello Guest from PC to iOS and Xbox One, meeting their technical and creative challenges head on.

The industry experts and pioneers that help us take these challenges on come from all corners of the globe and we’re delighted to see that number expand. We now have staff working in more than twelve countries from Portugal and Spain to Serbia, Brazil and the Philippines. Our artists, developers, producers, and more are just as varied and unique as the work we produce. We embrace that diversity, ensuring that we never stay inside one mindset or approach for too long. This experience alongside Magic Media has meant greater growth and innovation for Starloop Studios and we’ve no plans in stopping anytime soon!

The Next Milestone

Our next milestone is two years alongside the Magic Media team. It’s one that we look forward to with excitement. We plan to see as many of our clients and collaborators as possible across events throughout the year and to tackle even bigger projects.

The past twelve months have been phenomenal for both business and creativity. The technical and creative achievements that have been delivered by Starloop Studios as part of the Magic Media group are incredible. And we truly cannot wait to see what happens next.

Get in touch with the Starloop team today and let’s see what we can do for your game development project. We are always ready to tackle your challenges and take your dream project to the stars.

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