Game Prototyping

Game Prototyping: Verify Your Game Idea Before Investing on Full Development

Building prototypes is an essential early stage in a successful game development.
A prototype is your way of testing out concepts without putting in too much time or effort before full production. With a decade of experience in the field of video games, Starloop Studios can work in a rapid development style, creating prototypes based on your specifications, in a short time at a minimal cost.

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Rapid Game Prototyping Services

Prototypes are meant to test the game mechanics, solve problems and see if your plan works. It will save you a lot of time later when you start getting into bringing your finished assets. Starloop Studios has created a TON of concepts and prototypes in different platforms, so we know exactly how to make this phase effective in every way.

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Our team of 150+ software engineers, artists and designers have immense experience in developing games for more than 13 years. They are aware of all the trends and keep an eye on innovation to provide our clients with the best solutions.


The advantages of game prototyping outsourcing2022-06-02T11:40:43+01:00

The advantage of outsourcing a team to create prototypes of your video game is that they already know how things work, they have the tools and the staff prepared for this job.

You can rely on the experience of hiring Starloop Studios: our experience assures you of quality results with minimum delivery time and costs.

We have more than 12 years of experience in the video game industry, we have created a lot of concepts and prototypes on different platforms, so we know exactly how to make this phase effective in every way.

How long does it take to create game prototypes?2022-06-02T11:39:36+01:00

Very little, because prototypes should not be aesthetic. Their functionality is:

  • answer certain questions 
  • to discover the problems of the game 
  • indicate how they can be solved

You don’t have to invest a lot of time in making them look pretty. Usually 1-2 days should be enough to prototype the main mechanics of a game. 

If the game idea is very complex, it may take a few more days.

Why do you need a game prototype?2022-06-02T11:38:09+01:00

When you start a video game project, your ideas may look and feel functional, but to be sure, you need to test them: this way you can ensure the success of your video game.

The ideal is to start the prototyping phase at an early stage. The purpose of this is to discover as early as possible various interface or mechanical problems that can be easily solved.

Game prototyping should be used as both idea generators and alternative exploration solutions. Because game prototypes are physical representations of your ideas, it allows you to think by doing, which means you will gain more value from the research, definition, ideation and testing processes.

You need game prototypes because they will help you explore and experiment with ideas, problems and opportunities and test the impact of the changes you will make during the project.

What is game prototyping?2022-06-02T11:37:21+01:00

Game prototyping is one of the most important parts of the game development process. 

It consists of creating a method to test the game concept. It is a way to test if the video game is viable in practice without investing too much money and time. 

Prototyping is also used to find methods to optimize the game mechanics and make it as fun as possible. 

It does not matter if the prototype development is done on paper or created in a digital environment. Generally, a rough and fast game prototype is used for quality testing and learning in the early stages.

More detailed prototypes are useful for testing or pilot testing near the end of the project.

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