In the modern gaming industry, the game development process rarely ends after launch and continues in another form with post-launch support. New releases across all platforms, including mobile, console, and PC, generally receive varying degrees of post-launch support with game updates comprising bug fixes, new content, and more.

Post-launch support updates fulfill several critical roles for games and those who play them. Without game updates, development studios and publishers run the risk of player turnover and underwhelming financial results. At Starloop Studios and the wider Magic Media group, we have extensive post-launch support experience and intimately understand its various roles and benefits.

Bug Fixes and Game Updates

Perhaps the most critical aspect of post-launch support is bug fixes, commonly called patches. The best game development studios will always seek to resolve as many issues as possible before a game launches, but sometimes, bugs will be discovered when a game launches. To resolve these issues, development studios should make it their priority to fix outstanding bugs through game updates.

Failing to address bugs after launch significantly impacts the player experience. Though many bugs are minor or trivial, game-breaking bugs can crop up and block progression, reducing player enjoyment. Historically, severe unaddressed bugs have proven to be damaging to a game’s reputation, but swift action through post-launch support can prevent long-term effects.

Resolving post-launch bugs requires a robust QA team that can quickly identify these issues and find ways to reproduce them to help the development team deploy fixes. Player reports are also especially helpful, as QA won’t always be able to pin down every bug. When a batch of bugs are identified and have fixes in place, patches are released to resolve them, which enhances the player experience.

Post-Launch Game Updates

It’s common for modern games to receive brand-new content as part of game updates. This is almost standard practice for games on all platforms including console and PC, especially for mobile titles. Mobile games are more popular than ever, and many development studios capitalize on this by adding free and paid in-game content after the game’s initial launch. These game updates regularly include new levels, quests, characters, weapons, and skins – generally more of what made the base game popular with players in the first place.

Post-launch support in the form of new content does wonders for player retention, interesting new players, and bringing back lapsed players. It provides new opportunities for players to be excited about a game again and revisit its world. For developers and publishers, new content also provides new revenue streams through paid downloadable content (DLC) and the possible microtransactions associated with it. 

Planning for Post-Launch Support

Though post-launch support game updates occur after a game has been released, it’s wise to plan for it during its initial development period. Setting aside time and resources for future updates while developing the base game can significantly increase the speed at which they can be cultivated. This can include crafting new art for game content, designing new game mechanics and levels, developing new characters, narratives, and more.

Investing in the right infrastructure to facilitate ongoing development is critical to efficiently releasing post-launch game updates. Analytical tools can provide insight into player engagement patterns – which parts they enjoy the most, what aspects of the game are least engaged with, and where the most time is spent. This information helps developers make data-driven decisions about what post-launch support plans should look like and what form the new game content takes. Scalability is also a concern that developers should address, particularly that servers are robust enough to handle increased player loads for periods during and after major updates.

Starloop Studios is an expert game development services provider, delivering second-to-none full-cycle game development and game porting services in addition to post-launch technical services and much more. As part of Magic Media, we offer a range of services for all gaming, entertainment, and tech projects. Contact Starloop Studios today!

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