The key to making your business successful is deciding which tasks to do yourself and which to hire out. It can be different for every industry and can even change during the course of your business. In the beginning, most entrepreneurs do all the work of the business themselves, especially if they are short on capital. However, as the company grows, it’s usually cost-efficient to outsource some work to other sources.

If you work in the gaming industry, you may have heard about outsourcing game development to offshore software companies. Is this a good strategy? Of course, the answer depends on the exact details of your unique business situation, but it can be a good option for many small business owners. Read on to learn some of the most important benefits of outsourcing so you can decide if it’s right for you and your company.

1. Financial Savings & High Level of Efficiency

Cost-efficiency is one of the most commonly cited advantages of outsourcing a portion of a company’s work process. Hiring an offshore company to develop part or all of a game can be significantly less expensive than hiring full-time in-house developers.

By using our services at Starloop Studios, you can save 40% or more compared to the cost of in-house development. Minimize your overhead costs and administrative hassles.

If you have a team of in-house developers, chances are they will be working on numerous company projects. This can lead to inefficient work processes, confusion, and redundant effort. However, outsourcing your development means your offshore team can work on your project without distraction from other aspects of your company. You can easily organize your projects so you have dedicated teams for each section, minimizing potential errors and delays.

2. Access to Advanced Technology

Software development, especially for games, can require high-end tools and equipment. Purchasing all the necessary resources for an in-house team can be prohibitively expensive, especially for small businesses. Game development outsourcing can give your business access to expert developers with top-of-the-line equipment for a fraction of the cost. You can get the benefits of cutting-edge gaming technology without sacrificing a large percentage of your operating budget.

3. Market Expansion

Working with an offshore development provider can open up an entirely new market for your company. Your project can become more visible to other areas of the global gaming market. You may also find inspiration for additional projects or learn about new ways to market your game to a broader target audience.

4. Diverse Opinions

While it can feel safe to keep all your development work among your in-house employees, this can lead to circular thinking and lack of creative vision. Outsourcing, especially to an offshore provider, can give you access to fresh perspectives on your products. You will likely see innovation from your outsourcing team, and differing opinions can encourage your in-house team to be more adventurous as well.

5. Expertise Without Training Requirements

If you want your game to succeed, quality is a must. However, between benefits, minimum wage requirements, and the current software development job market, it can be difficult to find expert developers who are available to work within your budget requirements. You could train entry-level employees, but that can greatly increase your time to market. Outsourcing gives you immediate access to top-level developers who don’t need additional training.

6. Better Compliance

Many outsourcing operations allow you to create an automated compliance management system. This can help reduce the number of errors and also allow you to spend less time personally following up on compliance issues.

7. More Time for Company Management

When you’re first starting your business, you may need to do most of the work to create your product, market it, build your following, and continue improvements. All these tasks are in addition to managing the business side of your company, including applying for permits, keeping financial records, filing taxes, and managing employees. As your business grows, it’s usually not possible to continue performing all these tasks yourself.

Outsourcing your software development can free up a lot of time so you can focus on the most important aspects of your company. You can have more time to complete administrative tasks and still have the resources and energy to develop new game ideas and promote your business to your target audience.

If your business is part of the competitive game development industry, it’s essential to do everything you can to help your company and its products stand out. Outsourcing your development work can help increase your product quality and reduce the time to market for a much lower cost than hiring a full in-house development team.

Contact Starloop Studios today to learn more about our expert high-quality game development services for all platforms.

As part of Magic Media, we offer a wide range of services for the gaming, entertainment, and tech industries, including but not limited to full-cycle game development, game trailer production, and real-time VFX. Get in contact today, and let’s create magic!

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