“How much does 2D art and 3D art cost ” might be the first question that comes to mind when you are thinking of hiring a game artist. If so, you should know that the cost of 2D art and 3D art is influenced by several factors. The price differs from one company to another, depending on the geographical area, the complexity of the project, the artist’s experience, and so on.

In order for the game artist to give you a quote about his 2D and 3D art costs, you need to give him all the details of the project to analyze and estimate the complexity of the project. The whole game will be based on the concept of art that it will design, which can include environments, characters, their clothes, accessories, various weapons, and all the details that create the images in the game.

2D Art Vs. 3D Art Costs

Depending on the type of animation, 2D or 3D, the cost may vary. 2D animation requires more traditional drawing skills, while 3D animation requires a lot more help from computational power and software capabilities to get the job done (and implicitly, higher costs).

At first glance, you might say that 3D art costs more than 2D animation, but that’s not always the case. For example, if the 3D animation is only about having a simple camera fly-through in a static scene that is simply lit and rendered, the cost for creating it will probably be cheaper than producing it with 2D animation for the same shots. This is because animated 3D environment models only need to be created once and you can use it for as long as you like with no extra work from the game artist. But for 2D animation, the artist will need to recreate it as long as that specific frame looks different.

Factors on which 2D Art and 3D Art costs depend

  • Time invested in the project. As you will see in the calculation formula below, time is one of the important variables when calculating 2D and 3D art costs. To create quality concept art, it takes time, and the time dedicated to a project turns for game artists into money. The longer the time for creating the art concept, the longer 2D art, and 3D art will be. Also, if you want to speed up the completion of the project, you have to pay extra.
  • How many game artists working on your game. The more creative minds working on your project, the higher the cost of 2D art and 3D art will be. The complexity of the project is one of the factors that change the costs. If the workload is higher and the project requires more characters, environments, complex details, and a higher number of items, it is good to work with a game art outsourcing studio because the quality of the work will be superior and the project will be completed faster.
  • The details you want to add to your games. A really good video game is determined by the quality of conceptual art and the details of the images. The more details there are, the more alive the game will be. But that means extra work for the game artists, so the 2D art and 3D art cost will increase.

The calculation formula for 2D Art and 3D Art cost

Most game artists calculate the price of their work based on how many hours they invest in creating the project. To calculate 2D art and 3D art cost, you must multiply the number of hours by the hourly cost of the game artist.

How Much Does 2D Art and 3D Art Cost

If the project is more complex and you need more game artists, do the same multiplication above, and multiply the result by the number of people working for you. More than likely, the development of the project will require special requirements and unforeseen items that will improve the end result.

Concept Artists’ Rates Around the World

Depending on the type of art and the level of experience, we present below the rates that a game artist asks for an hour of work. 

2D and 3D Game Art Outsourcing Studio for Best Results

To get the best results for your project, you need to make sure that the game artists you work with will understand your vision and give you exactly the solutions you need. Starloop Studio has a complete team of professionals covering all the stages of game art production  from creative concept and sketching to the development of outstanding animated 3D characters, texturing and rigging, making environments, UI and UX, and 2D elements.

Starloop Studios is proud to be part of the Magic Media group, an international group specialising in entertainment and gaming industry services. Our wide range of offerings includes VFX, blockchain gaming, game art services, and more. Reach out today to avail of our expertise and A-Z services for your projects.

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