It’s important to fill out teams with experts. While a jack-of-all-trades is invaluable and those who know multiple avenues of the development cycle are important, specialists are just as key. When you need a particular problem solved or a section of a project delivered to AAA standards, there’s nothing like a developer or artist who knows their field inside and out.

So, when it comes to one of the most important and commonly used game engines in the industry, a dedicated Unreal Engine developer can be the difference between a good and a great title.

Why is Unreal Engine 5 important?

This is a big question, one that requires several viewpoints to answer. Unreal Engine 5 serves as a tipping point for the gaming and entertainment industries in both a technological, and creative sense. Unreal Engine games are now seeing an unlocking of future potential as the game engine breaks through several boundaries. And for those using Unreal Engine for non-gaming projects, it means just as much.

From a technical perspective, Unreal Engine 5 makes such huge leaps forward in the technological availability of its tools and the quality they offer. 

Just to name a few, the MetaHuman character creator, the Lumen lighting system, and Nanite Geometry, each represent massive gains. Just like the modern game consoles, the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X, they have made bigger technological strides than we’ve ever seen. 

Unreal Engine 5 makes those leaps and bounds in the development world, with Unreal Engine virtual production opening up doors and vast valleys of potential for creators. With these technological limits removed, developers and creators can deliver bigger and more in-depth worlds. But the expanding time requirements to deliver this quality doesn’t increase directly alongside it.

Yes, quality takes time, but what Unreal Engine 5 offers is gargantuan leaps in quality for the same time as its predecessor. 

In terms of creativity, it makes the process of delivery easier. Understanding and delivering the sought out quality is easier as Unreal Engine 5 offers new tools and assets for us to use. While Unreal Engine 5 is not a very simple system, once it is understood, the quality to be discovered is staggering. And with that learning curve, it means creators have limitations reduced and, in some places, removed entirely.

Delivering your dream project has become easier!

What does an Unreal Engine developer do?

As we said, Unreal Engine 5 is not a very simple system. In terms of an entry point for new developers and creators, it has a decent learning curve. An Unreal Engine developer is someone who knows the Unreal Engine inside and out, upside down and backwards!

The expertise that a dedicated Unreal Engine developer brings cannot be overstated. Alongside being a competent and veteran developer, they also bring the experience with one of the most popular engines on the gaming and entertainment market. An Unreal Engine developer can utilize the right tools in the engine to create realistic environments for your players to inhabit and interact with. Whether you’re planning for PC, mobile, or consoles, VR, or AR, Unreal Engine 5 is the way forward.

Due to the popularity and utility of the engine, UE5 developers are in high-demand. The complexity and subtleties of UE5 mean that expertise is something to be valued highly. This quality is not something that is gained over a short period of time, these are veteran developers.

Hire an Unreal Engine 5 game developer 

With UE5 game developers in high-demand, we understand the value they bring. As an outsourcing game development studio, our teams work almost daily with Unreal Engine 5 and Unity. So, when it comes to hiring a developer or hiring a programmer to help with your Unreal Engine needs, we’re here to help!

Starloop Studios is a one-stop studio for your game development needs and we have over a decade of experience in full-cycle development and co-development. In both of these services, you will have access to veteran developers, artists, and programmers who have worked on a plethora of projects on Unreal Engine. With UE5 in early access, they’ve been hard at work exploring its potential and are ready to take it to production once UE5 is ready for it.

As certified developers of PlayStation, Xbox, and the Nintendo Switch, we’re perfect candidates for your Unreal Engine 5 game development needs.

Contact Starloop Studios today to learn more about our expert high-quality game development services for all platforms.As part of Magic Media, we offer a wide range of services for the gaming, entertainment, and tech industries, including but not limited to full-cycle game developmentgame trailer production, and real-time VFXGet in contact today, and let’s create magic!

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