2D Animation Outsourcing Services

2D Animation Outsourcing Studio

With more than a decade of expertise, Starloop Studios, a subsidiary of Magic Media, excels in delivering high-quality animated videos swiftly. Our 2D animators are skilled storytellers who effectively convey your narrative through captivating character movements, optimizing your content for SEO and keyword searches.

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2D Animation Outsourcing Services

Our 2D Animation Solutions

Experience the transformative power 2D animation, a game-changer in the world of visual storytelling. At Starloop Studios, we understand that this innovative software is more than just a tool for creating 2D animations—it’s a gateway to captivating, interactive worlds that resonate with audiences.

As the appeal of 2D animation continues, our expert team is at the forefront of this revolution, leveraging the simplicity and flexibility of Blender 2D animation to craft comprehensive visual narratives. It’s not just about displaying information, but about telling compelling stories that encourage interaction, enhance your online presence, and boost your brand visibility.

Our 2D animators excel at infusing life into characters and objects, manipulating digital models to create movement, personality, and depth. They generate captivating narratives that draw in viewers and invite engagement. The outcome is more than just an increase in online views—it’s the creation of a lasting impression that solidifies your connection with your audience and promotes brand loyalty.

Regardless of your industry—whether you’re a tech firm, retail brand, or educational institution—our animation services are designed to meet your specific needs. We appreciate the uniqueness of each sector and tailor our animations accordingly, enabling you to leverage Blender 2D animation for a one-of-a-kind digital experience.

Embark on a journey with us and witness the transformative impact that 2D animation can have on your gaming brand. At Starloop Studios, we merge compelling narratives with state-of-the-art technology, elevating your brand beyond mere growth – we’re talking evolution. Dive into the future of game development and 2D animation with us, and welcome to a whole new world of immersive experiences.

Our Recent 2D Animation Projects





Key Technologies Expertise

We work with all the latest game development tools and platforms to help you build stunning games with superior graphic
rendering, sound, animation, and display. Our team is highly competent in

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Why Starloop Studios

Our team of 150+ software engineers, artists and designers have immense experience in developing games for more than 13 years. They are aware of all the trends and keep an eye on innovation to provide our clients with the best solutions.


What is the best program for creating 2D games?2022-06-02T11:08:24+01:00

Stencyl stands out for its great ease of 2D game making in the world of game making applications as it mainly exports in Flash format. Flash games were very popular a few years ago, and being able to create web games in a simple way made this tool popular.

What is 2D programming?2022-06-02T11:07:17+01:00

In computing, Java 2D is an API for drawing two-dimensional graphics using the Java programming language. Each Java 2D drawing operation can be treated as filling a shape using a brush and compositing the result on the screen.

What is 2D animation?2022-06-02T11:06:18+01:00

2D animation refers to cartoon-style animation in which characters appear on a flat plane without volume. Such as traditional hand-drawn animation, or computer-drawn vector animations that adopt traditional animation techniques.

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